I feel that I am partially ready for life after high school due to the fact that BTWHSPVA has given me sufficient training in the arts and academics. I feel that I will not be alarmed by the workload and level of the assignments in college because of the Advanced Placement classes that I have taken. This school year is basically a preview of college life because I am taking 5 AP classes, one Pre-AP, and 2 other art classes. (AP English IV, AP Psychology, AP Calculus AB, AP Biology, AP 2-D Design, Spanish III Pre-AP, GT Mentorship II, and Painting IV.) I also believe that taking demanding drawing and design courses in the past has assisted me in becoming a better artist. AP Drawing and Senior Showcase 2011 have allowed me to get more insight on what colleges look for in a student and what level of work and responsibility that they want to see in college classes. I believe that this vigorous training has allowed me to become more responsible and prepared for college coursework.